Staff Directory

Staff Directory

Staff Directory

The grid below displays our county's extension personnel by job title and program area:

Christy R. Blevins

NEP Program Assistant Senior, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education

(606) 337-2376 Bell County Extension Office 10524 U.S. Highway 25E, Pineville, Kentucky 40977

Michelle Brock

Extension Agent, Agriculture and Natural Resources

(606) 337-2376 Bell County Extension Office 10524 U.S. Highway 25E, Pineville, Kentucky 40977

Brian Good

Extension Agent, 4-H Youth Development

(606) 337-2376 Bell County Extension Office 10524 U.S. Highway 25E, Pineville, Kentucky 40977

Stacey Huddleston

Extension Staff Assistant

(606) 337-2376 Bell County Extension Office 10524 U.S. Highway 25E, Pineville, Kentucky 40977

Donnie Hunley

Extension Custodian

(606) 337-2376 Bell County Extension Office 10524 U.S. Highway 25E, Pineville, Kentucky 40977

Letrice Denise Miller

Extension Staff Assistant

(606) 337-2376 Bell County Extension Office 10524 U.S. Highway 25E, Pineville, Kentucky 40977

Rebecca J. Miller

Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Science

(606) 337-2376 Bell County Extension Office 10524 U.S. Highway 25E, Pineville, Kentucky 40977

Tanzi Rader

Extension Assistant, 4-H Youth Development, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Family and Consumer Science

(606) 337-2376 Bell County Extension Office 10524 U.S. Highway 25E, Pineville, Kentucky 40977